职  称: 研究员
学  历: 博士研究生
电  话: 021-68252320
职  务: 课题组长
传  真: 021-64166128
电子邮件: kwhe@sioc.ac.cn
通信地址: 上海市浦东张江高科技园区海科路100号13号楼

1999-2003:清华大学 生物科学与技术系 学士  

2004-2009:美国马里兰大学帕克分校 神经生物学 博士  

2009-2010:美国马里兰大学帕克分校 博士后 

2011-2015:美国约翰霍普金斯大学 博士后 / 助理研究科学家 





2013 Best Poster Award Johns Hopkins University

2008 Ann Wylie Dissertation Fellowship University of Maryland College Park

2008 Travel Award University of Maryland College Park

2007 Best Poster Award University of Maryland College Park

2004 Block Grand Fellowship University of Maryland College Park


1. He KW*#, Bridi M, Zong FJ, Wang GL, Kirkwood A#, Modulation of Neuronal Excitation/Inhibition Balance by the Dark/Light Cycle (in preparation)

2. Bridi M, Pasquale R, lantz C L, Gu Y, Choi S, He K, Tran T, Quinlan E, Kirkwood A#, Two distinct mechanisms for experience-dependent homeostasis in vivo, 2017 (Submitted)

3. He K, Huertas M, Hong S, Tie X, Hell J.W, Shouval H, Kirkwood A# (2015) Distinct Eligibility Traces for LTP and LTD in Cortical Synapses. Neuron, 88(3): 528-38

4. Ikrar T, Guo N, He K, Besnard A, Levinson S, Hill A, Lee HK, Hen R, Xu X, Sahay A# (2013) Adult neurogenesis modulates excitability of the dentate gyrus. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 7:204

5. Wang H*, Megill A*, He K, Kirkwood A, Lee HK# (2012) Consequences of inhibiting amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing enzymes on synaptic function and plasticity. Neural Plasticity. 2012:272374

6. He K, Petrus E, Gammon N, Lee HK#, (2012) Distinct sensory requirements for unimodal and cross-modal homeostatic synaptic plasticity. Journal of Neuroscience. 32(25):8469-74

7. Huang S*, Trevi?o M*, He K*, Ardiles A, Pasquale R, Guo Y, Palacios A, Huganir R, Kirkwood A# (2012) Pull-push neuromodulation of LTP and LTD enables bidirectional experience-induced synaptic scaling in visual cortex. Neuron. 73(3):497-510 (Recommended by F1000Prime)

8. Qian H, Matt L, Zhang M, Nguyen M, Patriarchi T, Koval OM, Anderson ME, He K, Lee HK, Hell JW# (2012) The β2 Adrenergic Receptor Supports Prolonged Theta Tetanus - induced LTP. J Neurophysiol.

9. He K, Goel A, Ciarkowski CE, Song L, Lee HK# (2011) Brain area specific regulation of synaptic AMPA receptors by phosphorylation. Commun Integr Biol. 4(5):569-72

10. He K, Lee A, Song L, Kanold PO, Lee HK# (2011) AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 (GluA1) serine-845 site is involved in synaptic depression but not in spine shrinkage associated with chemical long-term depression. Journal of Neurophysiology. 105(4):1897-907

11. Lee HK, Takamiya K, He K, Song L, Huganir RL# (2010) Specific roles of AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 (GluA1) phosphorylation sites in regulating synaptic plasticity in the CA1 region of hippocampus. Journal of Neurophysiology. 103(1):479-89

12. He K, Song L, Cummings LW, Goldman J, Huganir RL, Lee HK# (2009) Stabilization of Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors at perisynaptic sites by GluR1-S845 phosphorylation. PNAS, 106(47):20033-8(Recommended by F1000Prime)

13. Lee HK, Takamiya K, Kameyama K, He K, Yu S, Rossetti L, Wilen D, and Huganir RL # (2007) Idenfication and characterization of a novel phosphorylation site on the GluR1 subunit of AMPA receptors. Mol Cell Neuroscience, 36(1):86-94.

14. Laird FM*, Cai H*, Savonenko AV*, Farah MH*, He K, Melnikova T, Wen H, Chiang HC, Xu G, Koliatsos VE, Borchelt DR, Price DL, Lee HK, Wong PC# (2005) BACE1, a major determinant of selective vulnerability of the brain to amyloid- amyloidogenesis, is essential for cognitive, emotional, and synaptic functions. Journal of Neuroscience, 25(50):11693-11709.

* Equally contributing authors. # Corresponding author
