职  称: 副研究员
学  历: 研究生
电  话: 021-54925171
职  务:
传  真:
电子邮件: zhull@sioc.ac.cn
通信地址: 上海市零陵路345号

200309-200706 浙江师范大学初阳学院,理学学士

200709-201212 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所,理学博士(导师:洪然研究员)

201301-201705 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所,助理研究员

201706-至今       中国科学院上海有机化学研究所,副研究员







2003-2007 校三好学生、一等奖学金、浙江省政府奖学金、国家奖学金

  1.  Lili Zhu* and Ran Hong*, "Pursuing Effective Gram-negative Antibiotics: The Chemical Synthesis of Negamycin" Tetrahedron Lett. 201859, 2112-2127.
  2. Changmin Xie, Jisheng Luo, Yuping Zhang, Sha-Hua Huang, Lili Zhu, and Ran Hong*,"Catalytic Aza-Wacker Annulation: Tuning Mechanism by the Activation Mode of Amide and Enantioselective Syntheses of Melinonine-E and Strychnoxanthine" Org. Lett. 201820, 2386-2390.
  3. Jisheng Luo, Changmin Xie, Yuping Zhang, Sha-Hua Huang, Lili Zhu, and Ran Hong*, "Total Syntheses of Melinonine-E and Strychnoxanthine: Evolution of the Synthetic Strategy Enabled by Novel Method Development" (Symposium-in-Print dedicated to Prof. Leon Ghosez), Tetrahedron 2018745791-5803.
  4. Changmin Xie, Jisheng Luo, Yan Zhang, Lili Zhu, and Ran Hong*, "A Chiral Pentenolide-Based Unified Synthesis of Dihydrocorynantheal, Dihydrocorynantheol, Protoemetine, Protoemetinol, and Yohimbane" Org. Lett. 201719, 3592-3595.
  5. Lumin Zhang, Lili Zhu, Jun Yang*, Jisheng Luo, and Ran Hong*, "Stereoselective alpha-Hydroxylation of Amides with Oppolzer's Sultam as Chiral Auxiliary" J. Org. Chem. 2016, 81, 3890-3900.
  6. Lili Zhu*, Sha-Hua Huang, Jing Yu, and Ran Hong*, “Constructive Innovation of Approaching Bicyclo[3.2.1]octane in ent-Kauranoids” Tetrahedron Lett. 2015, 56, 23-31.
  7. Lili Zhu, Jisheng Luo, and Ran Hong*, "Total Synthesis of (±)-Cafestol: A Late-Stage Construction of the Furan Ring Inspired by A Biosynthesis Strategy" Org. Lett. 2014, 16, 2162-2165. (ACS Editor's Choice).
  8. Lin Yang, Guoli He, Ruifeng Yin, Lili Zhu, Xiaoxia Wang, and Ran Hong*, "Synthesis of Polyketide Stereoarrays Enabled by A Traceless Oxonia–Cope Rearrangement" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201453, 11600-11604.
  9. Lili Zhu and Ran Hong*, “Biomimetic Cationic Cyclization toward ent–Kaurene-type Diterpenoids” Chin. J. Chem. 2013, 31, 111-118 (Special Issue, Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Wei-Shan Zhou).
  10.  Xianwei Mi, Yan Wang, Lili Zhu, Ren-Xiao Wang, and Ran Hong*, "Enantioselective Synthesis of (-)-Stemoamide" Synthesis 201244, 3432-3440.
  11. Yan Wang, Lili Zhu, Yuying Zhang, and Ran Hong*, "Bioinspired and Concise Synthesis of (+/-)-Stemoamide" Angew. Chem. 2011123, 2839-2842; Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 201150, 2787-2790.

