职  称: 高级工程师
学  历: 研究生
电  话: 021-54925307
职  务:
传  真: 021-64166128
电子邮件: haoyangwang@mail.sioc.ac.cn
通信地址: 上海市零陵路345号











1.         Meng-Xi Wu, Hao-Yang Wang*, Jun-Ting Zhang, Yin-Long Guo*. Multifunctional Carbon Fiber Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Anal. Chem. 2016, 88(19), 9547?9553.

2.         Jun-Ting Zhang, Hao-Yang Wang*, Xiang Zhang, Fang Zhang, Yin-Long Guo*. Study of short-lived and early reaction intermediates in organocatalytic asymmetric amination reactions by ion-mobility mass spectrometry. Catal. Sci. Technol. 2016, 6, 6637–6643.

3.         Qilun Liu, Zheliang Yuan, Hao-Yang Wang*, Yang Li, Yichen Wu, Tao Xu, Xuebing Leng, Pinhong Chen, Yin-long Guo, Zhenyang Lin*, Guosheng Liu*. Abnormal Mesoionic Carbene Silver Complex: Synthesis, Reactivity and Mechanistic Insight on Oxidative Fluorination. ACS Catalysis, 2015, 5(11), 6732–6737.

4.         Zheliang Yuan, Hao-Yang Wang, Xin Mu, Pinhong Chen, Yin-long Guo, Guosheng Liu*. Highly Selective Pd-Catalyzed Intermolecular Fluorosulfonylation of Styrenes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137(7), 2468–2471.

5.         Xiao-Pan Liu, Hao-Yang Wang*, Jun-Ting Zhang, Meng-Xi Wu, Wan-Shu Qi, Hui Zhu, Yin-Long Guo*. Direct and Convenient Mass Spectrometry Sampling with Ambient Flame Ionization. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 16893.

6.         Hao-Yang Wang*, Jun-Ting Zhang, Shu-Sheng Zhang, Yin-Long Guo*. The remarkable role of solvent in reaction mechanism studies by electrospray mass spectrometry. Org. Chem. Front., 2015, 2, 990–994.

7.         Hao-Yang Wang*, Jun-Ting Zhang, Shi-Hao Sun, Shu-Sheng Zhang, Fang Zhang, Hui Zhu, Yin-Long Guo*. Study on the Accelerated Gutknecht Self-Cyclocondensation of Amino-sugars at Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Condition. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 105079–105083.

8.         Youai Qiu, Jing Zhou, Junzhao Li, Chunling Fu, Yin-long Guo, Haoyang Wang*, Shengming Ma*. Asymmetric Construction of Six-Membered Rings by Cyclization of Allenes with Dinuclear Gold Catalysis. Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21(45):15939–15943.

9.         Jun-Ting Zhang, Hao-Yang Wang*, Wei Zhu, Ting-Ting Cai, Yin-Long Guo*. Solvent-assisted Electrospray Ionization for Direct Analysis of Various Compounds (complex) from Low/non-polar Solvents and Eluents. Anal. Chem. 2014, 86(18), 8937–8942.

10.     Haoyang Wang*, Zhixiong Zhao, Yinlong Guo*. Chemical and biochemical applications of MALDI TOF-MS based on analyzing the small organic compounds. in: Applications of MALDI-TOF Spectroscopy. Zongwei Cai, Shuying Liu (Eds.) Top. Curr. Chem. 2013, 331, 165–192.

11.     Hao-Yang Wang*, Ying Gao, Fang Zhang, Chong-Tian Yu, Chu Xu, Yin-Long Guo*. Mass spectrometric study of the gas-phase difluorocarbene expulsion of polyfluorophenyl cations via F-atom migration. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2013, 24(12), 19191926.

12.     Hao-Yang Wang*, Zhang Xiang, Guo-Sheng Liu, Yin-Long Guo*. Study of the gas phase intramolecular aryltrifluoromethylation of phenyl(trifluoromethyl) iodonium by ESI-MS/MS. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2013, 24(5), 761–767.

13.     Hao-Yang Wang, Wai-Leung Yim, Yin-Long Guo, Jürgen O. Metzger*. ESI-MS studies and calculations on second-generation Grubbs and Hoveyda-Grubbs ruthenium olefin metathesis catalysts. Organometallics 2012, 31(5), 1627–1634.

14.     Xin Mu, Tao Wu, Hao-yang Wang, Yin-long Guo, Guosheng Liu*. Palladium-catalyzed oxidative aryltrifluoromethylation of activated alkenes at room temperature. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134 (2), 878–881.

15.     Hao-Yang Wang, Wai-Leung Yim, Thorsten Klüner, Jürgen O. Metzger*. ESIMS studies and calculations on alkali metal adduct ions of Ruthenium olefin metathesis catalysts and their catalytic activity in metathesis reactions. Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15(41), 10948-10959.

16.     Cesar A. Marquez, Haoyang Wang, Francesco Fabbretti, Ju?rgen O. Metzger*. Electron-transfer-catalyzed dimerization of trans-anethole: detection of the distonic tetramethylene radical cation intermediate by extractive electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130(51), 17208-17209.

17.     Haoyang Wang, Jürgen O. Metzger*. ESI-MS Study on first generation Ruthenium olefin metathesis catalysts in solution: direct detection of the catalytically active 14-electron ruthenium intermediate. Organometallics. 2008, 27(12), 2761-2766.

18.     Hao-Yang Wang, Qing Hong Tang, Xiang Zhang, Yin-Long Guo*, Long Lu*. Using tandem mass spectrometry to predict chemical transformations of 2-pyrimidinyloxy-N-arylbenzyl amine derivatives in solution. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2006, 17(2), 253-263.

19.     Hao-Yang Wang, Xiang Zhang, Yin-Long Guo*, Long Lu*. Mass spectrometric studies of the gas phase retro-Michael type fragmentation reactions of 2-hydroxybenzyl-N-Pyrimidinylamine derivatives. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2005, 16(10), 1561-1573.

20.     Hao-Yang Wang, Yin-Long Guo*, Long Lu*. Studies of rearrangement reactions of protonated and lithium cationized 2-pyrimidinyloxy-N-arylbenzylamine derivatives by MALDI-FTICR MS. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2004, 15(12), 1820-1832.
