


  322日,《自然-化学》杂志Nature Chemistry)为纪念创刊十周年,特邀了全球58位化学家以Charting a course for chemistry(化学探索之路)为题发表了纪念专题论文(Feature),提出化学各领域中他们认为的最激动人心、最有趣或最具挑战的研究蓝图。其中,上海有机所游书力研究员、李昂研究员分别受邀作为署名作者,提出合成化学领域的挑战性问题。 


  Precision synthesis is undoubtedly the premier goal in synthetic chemistry. Chemists should think how to maximize the utilization of bulk chemical feedstocks, including fossil resources and biomass, to enhance efficiency and selectivity during catalysed chemical transformations, and to promote the diversity of final products. Personally, I look forward to seeing further advances in highly efficient and selective transformations of inert chemical bonds and inert chemical systems and how the implementation of high-level theoretical calculations and artificial intelligence will fundamentally change organic chemistry. 


  In the field of natural product synthesis, designing synthetic routes with the help of computers may become an increasingly attractive direction. In contrast to rather ‘flat’ pharmaceuticals, stereochemically complicated natural products remain challenging targets for computational methods. Strategies based on systematic analysis of biosynthetic networks to uncover underappreciated retrosyntheses could significantly improve the practicality and versatility of computer-designed routes. In addition, the gene clusters responsible for enzymatic reactions (or reaction cascades) in natural product biosynthesis could be an advantageous tool for computers, potentially making combined chemical and enzymatic routes more common in near future. 

