1. An Duan, Ziheng Wang, Xiaoyu Huang,* Yongjun Li* “Anion-dependent redox chemistry of p-type poly(vinyldimethylphenazine) cathode materials”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, 62,(24), e202302754.
2. Chao Jia, An Duan, Chao Liu, Wenzhuang Wang, Shixian Gan, Qiaoyan Qi, Yongjun Li, Xiaoyu Huang,* Xin Zhao* “One-dimensional covalent organic framework as high-performance cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries”, Small 2023, 19, doi: 10.1002/smll.202300518.
3. Yang Song, Bo Xiang, Xiaoyu Huang,* Guolin Lu, Chun Feng* “Living crystallization-driven self-assembly of oligo(p-phenylene vinylene)-containing block copolymers: impact of branched structure of alkyl side chain of π-conjugated segment”, Chin. J. Polym. Sci. 2023, 41, 574.
4. Junyu Ma, Chen Ma, Xiaoyu Huang,* Pedro Henrique Hermes de Araujo, Amit Kumal Goyal, Guolin Lu, Chun Feng* “Preparation and cellular uptake behaviors of uniform fiber-like micelles with length controllability and high colloidal stability in aqueous media”, Fund. Res. 2023, 3, 93.
5. Jiucheng Nie, Xiaoyu Huang,* Guolin Lu, Mitchell A. Winnik,* Chun Feng* “Synthesis and living crystallization-driven self-assembly of backbone asymmetric and symmetric π-conjugated oligo(p-phenylene ethynylene)-based block copolymers”, Polym. Chem. 2023, 14, 137.