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1926年 9月-1931年7月 金陵大学工业化学系理学士
1931年9 月-1935年8月  北京协和医院生物化学研究生
1935年10月-1938年7月 德国明兴大学化学研究所有机化学科学博士、研究员
1935年10月-1939年3月 德国威廉皇家科学院海德堡研究院化学研究所有机化学研究员
1939年4月-1939年7日  英国伦敦密特瑟斯医学院生化所有机化学研究员
1939年9月-1942年1月  北京协和医院生物化学科生物有机化学讲师、助教
1942年4月-1947年8月  上海私立丙康药厂生物有机化学厂长、研究室主任
1947年1月-1949年7月  前国立上海医学院生物有机化学有机化学教授
1947年9月-1949年12月 前国立中央研究院生物有机化学研究员医学研究所筹备处
1950年1月-1952年11月 中科院生理生化研究所生物有机化学研究员
1952年11月-1978年5月 中国科学院上海有机所 生物有机化学研究员、副所长、代理所长
1978年6月-1984年7月  中国科学院上海有机所生物有机化学所长、分院副院长
1984年7月-1997年5月  中国科学院上海有机所生物有机学研究员、名誉所
1953年1月 任有机所副所长
1962年4月 任有机所代理所长
1978年6月 任有机所所长、上海分院副院长
1984年7月 有机所名誉所长





牛胰岛素人工全合成(合作) 国家自然科学奖一等奖
的人工全合成(合作) 国家自然科学奖一等奖
空间结构的研究 国家自然科学奖二等奖
石油酵母--蛋白质饲料 中科院重大成果一等奖
酰基咪唑在核糖核苷酸酰化应中的应用 中科院二等奖
新型代血浆楐燃谆堑矸-1 全国科学大会奖
石油发酵深度脱蜡 中科院重大科技成果奖
Collection A:I-III(上 集) ----- 1
I.Studies on steroids, bile acids, male sex hormones, etc. (1-13) 1
II. Studies on antibiotics (14-39) 131
III. Studies on carbohydrates and hydrocarbons (40-51) 342
Colection B: IV -VII (下 集) -----479
IV. Stuides on peptides and proteins (52-87) 479
V. Studies on Polynucleotides (88-108) 827
VI. Studies on enzymatic synthesis (109-113) 1008
VII. Miscellaneous Studies (119-127) 1031
Notes (编 后 说 明) ----- 1112
I. Studies on steroids, bile acids, male sex hormones, etc. (1-13) 1
1. Use of Albino Rats for Assay of Male Sex Hormone ---------1 Yu Wang and Hsien Wu Chinese J. Physiol., 7, 135 - 150 (1933).
2. Extraction of the Male Sex Hormone from Urine ------------ 14 Yu Wang and Hsien Wu Chinese J. Physiol., 8, 209 - 218 (1934).
3. Further Observations on the Use of Albino Rats for Assay of Male Sex Hormone -----22 Yu Wang and Hsien Wu Chinese J. Physiol., 9, 149 - 164
4. Effect of Male Sex Hormone on Respiration of Sex Organs in Castrated Rats --------- 36 Yu Wang, Hsien Wu and C. Y. Chow Chinese J.Physiol., 10, 403 - 406 (1936).
5. Die Einfü hrung von Doppelbindungen in Gallensä uren und Sterine I. -----39 Die Bromierung der 3-Keto-Cholansä re und des Cholestenons E.
Dane, Yu Wang und W. Schulte Hoppe-Seyler抯 Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem., 245, 80 - 88 (1936).
6. Die Einfü hrung von Doppelbindungen in Gallensä uren und Sterine II. ----- 48 Darstellung von Cholestadienol (Vorlä ufige Mitteleilung) E.
Dane und Yu Wang Hoppe-Seyler抯 Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem., 248, I - III (1937).
7. Synthese des Tetradecacetyl--1-crocins und verwandter Verbindungen -------- 51 Richard Kuhn und Yu Wang Ber. Dtsch. Chem. Ges., 72, 871 -
878 (1939).
8. Studies on the Metabolism of Sterols I. Excretion of Pregnandiol Glucuronide -------- 59 in the Urine of Chinese Pregnant Women Yu Wang and
S.-P. Tien Chinese. J. Physiol., 16, 121 – 130 (1941).
9.大豆 醇 化 合 物 的 研 究 (Studies on Soybean Steroids) I.---------- 69 大豆粗磷脂中 -1-麦胚醇的层析分离(Chromatographic Separation of-1-
Sitosterol from Crude Soybean Phosphatides),丁宏勋(H.-S. Ting), 汪 猷(Yu Wang), 丁维钰(W.-Y. Ting),黄耀曾 (Y.-Ts. Huang),化学学报 (Acta
Chimica Sinica), 22, 288 - 291 (1956).
10. Studies on Vitamin D I. -----73 7,8-Dihydroxy-7,8-Dihydro-Vitamin D2 Yu Wang, Hung-Shuin Ting, Jiang-Jian Huang, Rong-Zhi Zhou and Yao-
Tseng Huang Scientia Sinica, 8, 807 - 818 (1959); 化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 24, 126 - 133 (1958).
11. Studies on Vitamin D II. ------ 85 The Synthesis of Compounds of 2-Substituted Cis-Cyclohexylidene Acetic Acid Type (1) 2,2-Dihydroxy-
cyclohexylidene Acetic Acid Lactone and Its Isomers Yu Wang and Jiang-Jian Huang Scientia Sinica, 12, 1117 - 1134 (1963); 化学学报 (Acta
Chimica Sinica), 26, 84 - 99 (1960).
12. 维生素D的研究 (Studies on Vitamin D ) III. -------1042-取代-顺-亚环己基乙酸类化合物的合成( 二 ) 2-氧代-顺-亚环己基乙酰肼类化合物 及其环
化和重排 (The Synthesis of Compounds of 2-Substituted Cis-Cyclohexylidene Acetic Acid Type (2) Hydrazides of 2-Keto-cis-cyclohexylidene Acetic
Acid and Their Cyclization and Rearrangement)汪 猷 (Yu Wang),黄敬坚 (J.-J. Huang),化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 28, 351 - 364 (1962).
13. 维生素D的研究 (Studies on Vitamin D) IV. -------- 1182-取代-顺-亚环己基乙酸类化合物的合成( 三 ) 2-羟甲基-顺-亚环己基乙酸及 Mannich-Braun
化合物( The Synthesis of Compounds of 2-Substituted Cis-cyclohexylidene Acetic Acid Type (3) 2-Hydroxymethyl-cis-cyclo-hexylidene Acetic Acid
and Mannich-Braun Compound) 汪 猷 (Yu Wang), 黄敬坚 (J.-J. Huang),化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 28, 31 - 43 (1962). II. Studies on antibiotics (14-39) 131
14. Citrinin as an Antibiotic -------- 131 Yu Wang, F. K. Hong, F. T. Hwang and C. S. Fan Science, 106, 291 - 292 (1947).
15. Colorimetric Determination of Citrinin ------- 133Yu Wang and Hung-Shiun Ting Science and Technology in China, 1, 93 - 94 (1948).
16. 橘霉素的一般认识 (General Knowledge of Citrinin) ----------135 汪 猷 (Yu Wang) 科学世界 (Scientific World ),18,7 - 8,(1949).
17. The Effect of Citrinin on the Activity of Urease ------136 Yu Wang and Chung-Chuan Hsu Science and Technology in China, 2, 31 (1949).
18. On the Structure and Antibiotic Activities of Citrinin and its Derivatives ------------- 137 Yu Wang, Chuan-Tsung Tu and Chen-Wu Chia
Science and Technology in China, 2, 53 - 54 (1949).
19. The Dihydrocitrinins ---------- 139 Yu Wang, Chuan-Tsung Tu and Hung-Shiun Ting Science and Technology in China, 2, 83 - 86 (1949).
20. The Effect of Citrinin in Vitro on Mycobaterium tuberculosis ---------143 Yu Wang, Chen-Wu Chia and Shu-Ya Yang Chinese Med. J., 67, 612 -
616 (1949).
21. Citrinopinacol -------148 Yu Wang, Chuan-Tsung Tu and Hung-Shiun Ting Science Record (China) 3, 213 - 220 (1950).
22. 橘霉素骈醇结构的证明(Verification of the Structure of Citrinopinacol)----- 156汪 猷(Yu Wang), 屠传忠(Ch.-Zh. Tu),丁宏勋( H.-Sh. Ting),医
药学(Midicine Science),4,(1950).
23. Metabolism of Citrinin I.----------- 158 Determination of Free Citrinin in Blood Yu wang, Hung-Shiun Ting and Wilhelm Mann Chinese J.
Physiol., 17, 259-270 (1950).
24. Metabolism of Citrinin II. -------- 170 Absorption, Retention and Excretion of Citrinin Yu Wang and Hung-Shiun Ting Chinese J. Physiol.,
17, 271-280 (1950).
25. 橘 霉 素 (Citrinin) ------- 179汪 猷( Yu Wang)中国科学(Scientia Sinica), 2, 433-454 (1951).
26. A Preliminary Report on the Topical Use of Citrinin -------201 S. J. Yu, C. S. Kiang, S. V. Denn, H. T. Cai, and Yu Wang Chinese Med. J.,
69, 199 - 203 (1951); 中华医学杂志( Chinese Med. J.), 37, 400 - 403 (1951).
27. Syntheses of L-Decarboxycitrinin and L-Decarboxydihydrocitrinin -------- 206 Yu Wang, Hung-Shiun Ting and Chen-Wu Chia Science Record,
(China) 4, 253-259 (1951).
28. Stereochemistry of Citrinin Part I. -----------213 Resolution of Raistrick抯 Phenol B and the Derived Carboxylic Acids Yu Wang, Hung-Shiun
Ting and Chen-Wu Chia Science Record, (China) 4, 261 - 267 (1951).
29. Stereochemistry of Citrinin Part II. -------- 220 Synthesis of d- and l- Citrinin Yu Wang and Hung-Shiun Ting Science Record, (China) 4,
269 - 274 (1951).J
30.橘霉素抗生作用的机理( Mechanism of Antibiotic Action of Citrinin) I. ---- 226对于离体的动物组织和细菌呼吸的影响( Effect in Vitro on
Respiration of Animal Tissues and Bacteria)汪 猷(Yu Wang),孟威廉(W. Mann), 王应睐(Y.-L. Wang), 胡旭初(H.-T. Hu),贾承武(C.-W. Chia)生理学报
(Chinese J. Physiol.), 19, 106 - 116 (1953).
31.橘霉素抗生作用的机理 (Mechanism of Antibiotic Action of Citrinin) II. --- 237对于几种酶系的影响( Effect on some Enzyme Systems)汪 猷(Yu
Wang), 孟威廉(W. Mann), 王应睐(Y.-L. Wang), 贾承武 (C.-W. Chia,),生理学报 (Chiese. J. Physiol.), 19, 117 - 126 (1953).
32. 橘霉素化学的研究 (Study of the Chemistry of Citrinin) ------ 247汪 猷(Wang, Yu)科学通报(Kexue Tongbao), 6, 81 - 86 (1955).
33. 有关链霉素试制的选育、发酵及提炼的研究工作报告------ 253(Investigation on Selection of Streptomyces Strain, Fermentation and
ChemicalPurification in Relation to the Problem of Production of Streptomycin)陈善晃, 金培松, 刘 璞, 徐尚志, 童 村, 许文思, 汪 猷,梅斌夫, 屠
传忠, 华 瑾, 陆熙炎, 朱仕钦, 胡振元, 戴行义, 梁璧成,沈善炯,单慰曾,蔡润生,谢毓英,包琴珠,1955 年 中 国 科 学 院 关 于 抗 生 素 研 究 学 术
会 议 上 的 科 学 报 告(Proceedings of Academic Sinica Conference on Antibiotic Research of 1955)中国科学院编(Ed. by Academica Sinica), 第353
-366页, (pp. 353-366),科学出版社(Science Press, Beijing), 1958.
34. 链霉素依赖性细菌的研究(Studies on Streptomycin-Dependent Bacteria) I. -- 267成长在含有及不含链霉素的培养基内之大肠杆菌细胞氧化代谢的比较(A
Comparison of the Oxidative Metabolism of Streptomycin-dependent Escherichia coliGrown in Presence and Absence of Dihydro-Streptomycin)汪 猷
(Wang, Yu), 孟威廉(W. Mann,), 张丽青(L.-Ch. Zhang),生化学报(Acta, Biochimica Sinica ), 1, 1 - 9 (1958).
35.链霉素的结构中链糖苷键的构型问题------276(The Configuration of Streptosidic Linkage of Streptomycin)汪猷(Yu Wang), 屠 传忠(Ch.-Zh. Tu), 胡
振元(Ch.-Y. Hu),1960年上海科学技术论文集,数学化学卷,第136-150页,上海科技出版社elected Papers of Sciences and Technologies of Shanghai,
pp.136-150,Shanghai Science and Technology Press, 1960).
36. 金霉素的化学( Studies on the Chemistry of Aureomycin) I. ------- 291金霉素及其衍生物的氢解和芳构化(hydrogenolysis and Aromatization of
Aureomycin and Its Derivatives) 黄耀曾(Y.-Ts. Huang,), 丁宏勋(H.-Sh. Ting), 丁维钰 (W.-Y. Ting), 盛怀禹(H.-Y. Sheng),涂通源(T.-Y. Tu), 黄敬坚
(J.-J. Huang), 徐元耀(Y.-Y. Hsu), 汪 猷 (Wang, Yu),化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 21, 132 - 141 (1955).
37. 有关金霉素试制的菌种选育、发酵及提炼的研究--------------301(Investigation on Selection of Aureomycin Strain, Fermentation and Chemical
Purification in Relation to the Problem of Production of Aureomycin)陈善晃, 金培松, 刘璞, 徐尚志, 童村, 许文思, 汪猷, 黄耀曾,倪大男, 戴立信,
屠传忠,宗惠娟,殷宏章, 沈善炯,单慰曾,科学通报 (Kexue Tongbao), 7, 73 - 74 (1956);中国科学院关于抗生素研究学术会议上的科学报告,367-381
38. 金霉素的纸上层析( Paper Chromatography of Aureomycin) -----318汪 猷(Yu Wang,), 郭荣汉(J.-H. Kuo)化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 21, 260-
267 (1955).
39. 金霉素抗生作用机制( Mechanism of Antibiotic Action of Aureomycin) I.----326对大肠杆菌呼吸的影响( Effect on the Respiration of Escherichia
Coli)汪 猷(Yu Wang),孟威廉(W. Mann,), 程龙生(L.-Sh. Chen)杨渊珠(Y.-Zh. Yang), 王大琛(D.-Ch. Wang),生理学报( Acta Physiology Sinica), 20,
255 - 270 (1956).III. Studies on carbohydrates and hydrocarbons (40-51) 342
40. L Dihydrostreptose from L Dihydrostreptosonic Acid Lactone ----- 342 Yu Wang, Xi-Yan Lu, Wen-De Lin and Ji-Xian Zhang Science Record, 3,
484 - 494 (1959);化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 25, 254 - 264 (1959);科学记录 3,393-401 (1959 ).
41. 氨基糖的研究( Studies on Amino Sugars) I.-------- 353 N-(2’,4’- 二硝基苯)-2-胺基-2-脱羟-D-葡萄糖的衍生物及其旋光性(The Derivatives of N
-(2’,4’-dinitrobenzene)-2-amino-2-dehydroxyl-D-glucoside and Its Optical Rotation)汪 猷(Yu Wang),戴行义(X.-Y. Dai),化学学报( Acta Chimica
Sinica), 24, 368 - 374 (1958).
42. 氨基糖的研究( Studies on Amino Sugars) II.------- 360氨基上负电性取代基对2- 氨基-2-脱羟-D-葡萄糖苷水解速率的影响 (Effect of
Electronegative N-Substituents on Hydrolysis of 2-Amino-2-Deoxy-D-Glucoside)汪 猷(Yu Wang),华 瑾(J. Hua),化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 24,
413 - 418 (1958).
43.氨基糖的研究( Studies on Amino Sugars) III. ----------3666-O-(N’-乙酰-2’-氨基-2’-脱羟--1-D-葡萄糖苷基)-N-乙酰-2-胺基-2-脱羟-D-葡萄糖的合
成(Synthesis of 6-O-(2’-N’-Acetamido -2’-Deoxy--1-D- Glucosyl)-2-Acetamido-2-Deoxy-D-Glucose)汪 猷(Yu Wang), 戴行义(X.-Y. Dai)化学学报
(Acta Chimica Sinica), 25, 50 - 55 (1959).
44. 氨基糖的研究( Studies on Amino Sugars) IV. -------- 372N-(2’,4’- 二硝基苯)- 氨基糖的高碘酸氧化( Periodic Oxidation of N-DNP-Amino
Sugars)屠传忠(Ch.-Zh. Tu), 胡振元(Zh.-Y. Hu), 汪 猷(Yu Wang),化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 27, 155 - 159 (1959).
45. 5- 脱羟-L- 来苏呋喃糖的合成 ( Synthesis of 5-Deoxy-L-Lyxofuranose) -----377汪 猷(Yu Wang), 林文德(W.-D. Lin), 叶伟贞(W.-Zh. Ye ), 顾天爵
(T.-J. Gu),化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 25, 265 - 276 (1959).
46. 近十年来天然有机物中碳水化合物化学的进展-------389 (Progress of Carbohydrates Chemistry in the Organic Natural Products in the last
Decade)汪 猷(Yu Wang), 屠传忠(Ch.-Zh. Tu)天然有机化学综述论文集 (Proceedings of Reviews on Natural Products), pp. 93-128, 科学出版社 (Science
Press), 北 京(Beijing), 1966.
47.新型 血 浆 代 用 品 羧 甲 基 糖 淀 粉 的 研 究 ------- 425(Carboxymethylamylose as a New Plasma Substitute ) I.化学部分(Chemical
Properties)血浆代用品研究协作组(Plasma Subsitute Joint Research Group)化学学报(Acta Chimica Sinica), 36, 49-76 (1978).
48. 烃类的微生物氧化 (Microbial Oxidation of Hydrocarbons) I.------------------ 451 土壤细菌 A-3 的某些生化特征 (Some Biochemical behavior of
Soil Bacterium A-3)王大琛(D.-Ch. Wang), 汪 猷(Yu Wang),生物化学与生物物理学报 (Acta Biochimica et Biophysica  Sinica), 4, 533-538 (1964).
49. 分枝杆菌石蜡油发酵液中的支链脂肪酸-------------- 458 (Branch-Chained Fatty Acids Produced in the Paraffin Oil Fermentation Broth by
Mycobacterium A-3)周 乐(L. Zhou), 黄敬坚 (J.J. Huang), 王大琛(D. Ch. Wang), 汪 猷(Yu Wang),化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 46, 87 - 89 (1988).
50. Some Problems about Petroprotein as a New Feedstuff ---------- 461 Yu Wang and Feng-Shan Fang  Expert Group Meeting on the Manufacture of
Proteins from Hydrocarbons,  Vienna, Austria, 8-12 October, 1973, Unit Nations Industrial Development Organization ID / WG, 164 / 24.
51. 正 烷 酵 母 作 为 饲 料 的 最 近 研 究 -------- 474 (Further Studies on n-Paraffin Yeast as fodder in China)汪 猷(Yu Wang), 王大琛(D.-
Ch.Wang), 宋荣吉(R.-J. Song), 李祖义(Z.-Y Li), 李祥鹏(X.-P. Li), 郑崇直(Ch.-Zh. Zheng), 许兴妹(X.-M. Xu), 方凤山(F.-Sh. Fang), 朱守一(Sh.-Y.
Zhu),管重庆(Ch.-Q. (Guan), 李镜莲 (K.-L. Li)有机化学,6,15-18 (1982).IV. Stuides on peptides and proteins (52-87) 479
52. Studies on Peptides I. ---------- 479 Synthesis of Protected N-Terminal Pentapeptides of the A-chain of Insulin Yu Wang, Jie-Cheng Xu,
Ren-Rong Lu, Gang Huang and Jing-Jian Huang Scientia Sinica, XIV, 1284-1301 (1965);化学学报( Acta Chimica Sinica), 29, 114 - 132 (1963).
53. 肽的研究 (Studies on Peptides) II. ------ 497带保护基的胰岛素A九肽的合成( Synthesis of a Protected C-Terminal Nonapeptide of A-chain of
Insulin)汪 猷(Yu Wang), 黄敬坚(J.- J. Huang), 张伟君(W.-J. Zhang,), 屠传忠(Ch.-Zh. Tu),王志勤(Zh.-Q. Wamg), 徐元耀(Y.-Y. Xu), 汤永提(Y.-D.
Tang), 陆蕴华(Y.-H. Lu), 金善炜(Sh.-W. Jin),龚岳亭(Y.-T. Gong)化学学报( Acta Chimica Sinica), 29, 191 - 204 (1963).
54. 肽的研究 (Studies on Peptides)III. ---------512牛 胰 岛 素 A  链 中 段 带 保 护 基 的 七 肽 (A 6-12) 的合成(The Synthesis of a Protected
Heptapeptide (A6-12) of the A-chain of Bovine Insulin)汪 猷(Yu Wang), 陆熙炎(X.-Y.Lu), 徐杰诚(J.-Ch. Xu), 张伟君(W.-J. Zhang), 陈毓群(Y.-Ch.
Chen),吴照华(Zh.-H. Wu), 蔡 祖恽(Z.-Y. Cai), 韩 广甸(G.-D. Han), 徐 锦文(J.-W. Xu),化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 30, 491 -501 (1964).
55. 肽的研究( Studies on Peptides) IV. ----523带 保 护 基 的 牛 胰 岛 素 A  链 羧 基 末 端12肽 及16肽 的 合 成(Synthesis of Protected C-
Terminal Dodeca- and Hexadecapeptide of the A-chain of Bovine Insulin)汪 猷(Yu Wang), 屠传忠(Ch.-Zh. Tu), 陆熙炎(X.-Y. Lu), 张伟君(W.-J.
Zhang), 王志勤(Z.-Q. Wamg),汤永提(Y.-D. Tang), 陈 毓群(Y.-Ch. Chen),化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 30, 205 - 210 (1964).
56. 肽的研究( Studies on Peptides) V. --------529
新的带保护基牛胰岛素A链氨端五肽和九肽的合成(The Synthesis of New Protected N-Terminal Pentapeptide and Nonapeptide of the A-chain of Bovine
Insulin汪 猷(Yu Wang), 钱瑞卿(R.-Q. Chien), 陆仁荣(R.-R. Lu)化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 32, 252 - 260 (1966).
57. A Preliminary Report on the Synthesis of the A-chain of Bovine Insulin -------------538 Yu Wang, Jie-Cheng Xu, Wei-Jun Zhang, Ling-Ling
Chen, Qi-Yi Xin, Ai-Xue Ji, De-Pei Lu, Chong-Xi Li,Pu-Tao Shi and Yun-Hua Ye Scientia Sinica 13, 2030-2032 (1964).
58 .Resynthesis of Insulin from its A- and B-Chains and Synthesis of its A- and B-Chains Peptides---541Ching-I Niu, Chen-Lu Tsou, Yu Wang and
Chi-Yi Hsing Contributions at the 1964 Perking Symposium, 159-182, Beijing, 1964.
59. Partial Synthesis of Crystalline Bovine Insulin from synthetic A-Chain and  Natural B-Chain------- 566 Yu Wang, Je-zen Hsu, Wei-chun
Chang, Ling-ling, Cheng, Hong-shueh Li,  Chi-yi Hsing, Pu-tao Shi, The-pei Loh, Ai-hsech Chi, Chung-his Li, Yuen-hwa Yieh & Kar-le Tang
Scientia Sinica, 14, 1887-1890 (1965);科学通报 (Kexue Tongbao), 1111-1114 (1965).
60. 牛 胰 岛 素 A  链 的 合 成 及 其 与 天 然 B  链 组 合 成 结 晶 牛 胰 岛 素 -------570(Synthesis of A-Chain of Bovin Insulin and Partial
Synthesis of Crystalline Bovine Insulin from Synthetic A- and Natural B-Chains) 汪 猷(Yu Wang), 徐杰诚(J.-Ch. Xu), 张伟君(W.-J. Zhang), 李鸿绪
(H.-Sh. Li), 邢其毅(Ch.-Y. Hsing), 施溥涛(P.-T. Shi), 陆德培(T.-P. Loh), 季爱雪(A.-Sh. Chi), 李崇熙(Ch.-H. Li),叶蕴华(Y.-H. Yieh), 汤卡罗(K.-
L. Tang),化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 32, 276-283 (1966).
61. Total Synthesis of Crystalline Bovine Insulin ----578 Yueh-ting Kung, Yu-cang Du, Wei-the Huang, Chan-chin Chen, Lin-tsung Ke, Shir-chuan
Hu, Rong-qing Jiang, Shang-quan Chu, Ching-I Niu, Je-zen Hsu, Wei-chun Chang, Ling-ling Chen,Hong-shueh Li, Yu Wang, The-pei Loh, Ai-hsech
Chi, Chung-his Li, Pu-tao Shi, Yuen-hwa Yieh, Kar-le Tang & Chi-yi Hsing Scientia Sinica, 14, 1710-1716 (1965); 15, 544-561 (1966);科学通报
(Kexue Tongbao), 941-945 (1965).
62. C14- 标记的牛胰岛素A 链和 C14- 标记牛胰岛素的合成 -------------- 603(Synthesis of C14-Labeled A-Chain of Bovine Insulin and C14-Labeled
Bovine Insulin)汪 猷(Yu Wang), 钱瑞卿(R.-Q. Chien), 张伟君(W.-J. Zhang), 杜雨仓(Y.-C. Du), 沈昭文(Ch.-W. Shen), 钮经义(Ch.-I. Niu), 季爱雪(A.
-Sh. Chi), 施溥涛(P.-T. Shi), 邢其毅(Ch.-Y. Hsing)化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 32, 284 -291 (1966).
63. 带保护基的胰岛素 A 链羧端十二肽的合成 ------------------------------- 611(Synthesis of a Protected C-Terminal Dodecapeptide of the A-Chain
of Insulin)汪 猷(Yu Wang), 徐杰诚(J.-Ch. Xu), 陈玲玲(L.-L. Chen), 李鸿绪(H.-Sh. Li), 张伟君(W.-J. Zhang),李崇熙(Ch.-H. Li), 陆德培(T.-P. Loh),
季爱雪(Ai-Sh. Chi), 施溥涛(P.-T. Shi), 邢 其毅( Ch.-Y. Hsing )化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 32, 261-275 (1966).
64.含半胱氨酸多肽的研究 ( Cysteine peptides) III. ------ 626牛胰岛素A链带保护基的氨端九肽的合成(Synthesis of Protected N-Terminal Nonapeptide
of the A-Chain of Bovine Insulin)汪 猷(Yu Wang), 季爱雪(A.-Sh. Chi), 陆德培(T.-P. Loh), 李崇熙(Ch.-H. Li), 施溥涛(P.-T. Shi),叶蕴华(Y.-H.
Yieh), 汤卡罗(K.-L. Tang), 邢其毅(Ch.-Y. Hsing)化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 32, 68-76 (1966).
65. The Total Synthesis of Crystalline Insulin ---------- 636Institute of Biochemistry and Institute of Organic Chemitsry, Academic Sinica,
and Department of Chemistry, Perking University Kexue Tongbao, 17, 241-271 (1966).
66. Synthesis of a Protected Pentacosapeptide Corresponding to Positions 86-110 of TMV Coat Protein ------- 673Peptide Synthesis Group,
Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academic Sinica, in 揘ucleic Acids and Proteins”, The 1979 Shanghai Proceedings of PRC-FRG Join
Symposium on Nucleic Acids and Proteins, Ed. by Z.-W. Shen, pp.193 -200, Science Press, Beijing (van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New
York/Toronto/London), 1980.
67. Chemistry of Trichosanthin------------ 678 Research Group of Trichosanthin, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academic Sinica,
Peptide Synthesis Group, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academic Sinica, in 揘ucleic Acids and Proteins”, The 1979 Shanghai
Proceedings of PRC-FRG  Join Symposium on Nucleic Acids and Proteins, Ed. by Z.-W. Shen, pp.318 - 323, Science Press, Beijing (van Nostrand
Reinhold Company,New York/Toronto /London), 1980.
68. 天花粉蛋白的化学( Chemistry of Trichosanthin) I. ---------- 684结 晶 天 花 粉 蛋 白 的 制 备 及 其 物 理 和 化 学 性 质(Physical and
Chemical Properties of Crystalline Trichosanthin)金善炜(Sh.-W. Jin), 孙孝先(X.-X. Sun), 汪绍福(Sh.-F. Wang), 田庚元(G.-Y. Tian), 顾梓伟( Z.-W.
Gu), 钱 薇薇( W.-W. Qian), 刘寅曾( Y.-Z. Liu), 佘维阳( W.-Y. She), 钱瑞卿( R.-Q. Qian), 汪 猷(Yu Wang) 化学学报 ( Acta Chimica Sinica), 39,
917-926 (1981).
69. 天 花 粉 蛋 白 的 化 学(Chemistry of Trichosanthin) II. ---------693天花粉蛋白氨端部分氨基酸顺序的测定 (Determination of N-Terminal
Partial Amino Acid Sequence of Trichosanthin)钱瑞卿(R.-Q. Qian), 顾梓伟(Z.-W. Gu), 张秀兰(X.-L. Zhang), 朱仕钦(Sh.-Q. Zhu),张文勤(W.-Q.
Zhang), 傅瑶红(Y.-H. Fu), 翁秋璇(Q.-X. Weng), 吴元伟(Y.-W. Wu), 刘永福(Y.-F. Liu),徐珊珍(Sh.-Zh. Xu), 金善炜( Sh.-W. Jin), 田庚元(G.-Y.Tian),
汪猷(Yu Wang)化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 39, 927-932 (1981).
70. Chemistry of Trichosanthin III. ------ 697 Amino Acid Sequence of CNBr Degradation Fragment CBa  Zi-Wei Gu, Shan-Wei Jin, Xiu-Lan
Zhang,Shan-Zhen Xu, Yue-Zhen Yao, Yong-Fu Liu, Shao-Fu Wang, Bo-Sheng Cao, Qiang-Hua, Wang, Yao-Hong Fu, Rui-Qing Qian, Li-Qing Zhang and Yu
Wang Acta Chimica Sinica, (English Edition) 234-236 (1983).
71. Chemistry of Trichosanthin IV. --------- 700 The Main Amino Acid Sequence of Proposed Principle Primary Structure of Trichosanthin Zi-Wei
Gu, Rui-Qing Qian, Shan-Wei Jin, Wei-Wei Qian, Shan-Zhen Xu, Li-Qing Zhang, Xiu-Lan Zhang, Yue-Zhen Yao,Yong-Fu Liu, Shi-Qin Zhu, Bo-Sheng
Cao, Shao-Fu Wang, Qiang-Hua, Wang, Wei-Jun Zhang, Yin-Zeng Liu, Yao-Hong Fu, Yu Wang Acta Chimica Sinica, (English Edition) 86-88 (1984).
72. Reinvestigation on BNPS-Skatole Cleavage of Tryptophane Poly-peptides and the C-Terminal
Sequencing of the Cleavage Fragments----------703 Yu Wang, Guang-Xiang Luo, Rui-Qing Qian, Li-Qing Zhang, in 揗ethods in Protein Sequence
Analysis”,The Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, Berlin, Ed. by B. Wittmann-Liebold, pp.168-173,Springer-Verlag,
Berlin/Heidelberg/NewYork/london/Paris/Tokyo, 1988.
73. Chemistry of Trichosanthin, a New Biologically Active Plant Protein ---------------- 710 Yu Wang in 揂dvances in Chinese Medicinal
Materials Research” Edited. by HM Chang, H.W. Yeung, W.W. Tso and A. Koo, pp. 289-295, World Scientific Publ. Co., Singapore, 1985.
74.Scientific Evaluation of Tian Hua Fen(THF)-History, Chemistry and Application ---717 Yu Wang, Rui-Qing Qian, Zi-Wei Gu, Shan-Wei Jin, Li-
Qing Zhang, Zong-Xiang Xia, Geng-Yuan Tian and Chao-Zhou Ni, IUPAC International Symposium on Organic Chemistry of Medicinal Natural Products,
Nov. 10-14, 1985, Shanghai, China;Pure and Applied Chemistry, 58, 789-798 (1986).
75. C-Terminal Sequencing of Trichosanthin --------727 Yu Wang, Lin-Hua Zhang, Xiao-Jian Sun, Li-Qin Zhang, Le Zhou and Yong-Zheng Hui Acta
Chimica Sinica, (English Edition) 341-347 (1988); 化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica),46, 1119-1124 (1988).
76. The Computer-Assisted Carboxypeptidase Method for C-Terminal Sequencing of Proteins and Polypeptides ---------- 734 Yu Wang, Xiao-Jian
Sun, Cheng Qian, Rui-Qing Qian, Wei-Jun Zhang and Tian-Jue Gu Acta Chimica Sinica, (English Edition) 348-358 (1988);化学学报 (Acta Chimica
Sinica), 46, 1125-1133 (1988).
77.天花粉蛋白一级结构的修正及不同产地天花粉蛋白的研究---- 745(Revision of the Primary Structure of Trichosanthin and Study on the
Trichosanthin from Different Places of Origin)汪 猷(Yu Wang), 顾梓伟(Z.-W. Gu), 叶国杰(G.-J. Ye), 孙小俭(X.-J. Sun), 汪强华(Q.-H.Wang), 金善炜
( Sh.-W. Jin)化 学 学 报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 51, 1023-1029 (1993).
78. 苦 瓜 子 胰 蛋 白 酶 抑 制 剂 的 分 离 纯 化 及 其 性 质 ------------------------- 752(Isolation and Characterization of the Trypsin
Inhibitors from the Seeds of Momordica Charantia L.)曾福跃(F.-Y. Zeng), 钱瑞卿(R.-Q. Qian), 汪 猷(Yu Wang) 生物化学与生物物理学报 (Acta
Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica), 21, 267-275 (1989).
79. The Amino Acid Sequence of a Double-Headed Trypsin Inhibitor from the Seeds of Momordica Charantia Linn. Cucurbitaceae ------------------
------------ 761Fu-Yue Zeng, Rui-Qing Qian and Yu Wang Acta Chimica Sinica (English edition), 79-85 (1989).
80. Trichobitacin ¾ ¾ A New Ribosome-inactivating Proteins I. -------- 768Isolation and Physico-chemical and Biological Properties of
Trichobitacin Shan-Wei Jin, Bang-Ping Xiang, Bo-Xun Cao and Yu Wang Chinese. J. Chem., 15, 160-168(1997).
81. 栝楼蛋白(Trichobitacin) II. ---- 777栝楼蛋白部分化学结构的初步测定(Determination of the Partial Primary Structure of Trichobitacin)向邦平
(B.-P. Xiang), 金善炜(Sh.-W. Jin), 曹伯巽(B.-X. Cao), 傅桂香(G.-X. Fu), 汪 猷(Yu Wang)化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 56, 302-307(1998).
82. The X-ray Crystal Structure Analysis of the Complex Formed Between Momordica Charantia L. Trypsin Inhibitor-1 and Porcine Trypsin -------
----------- 783Qi-Chen Huang, Zhong-Guo Chen, Gen-Pei Li, You-Qi Tang, Rui-Qing Qian, Fu-Yue Zeng and Yu Wang Acta Chimica Sinica (English
edition), 88-90 (1989).
83. Crystal Structure of Trichosanthin-NADPH Complex at 1.7Å Resolution Reveals Active-site
Architecture ------- 786Jian-Ping Xiong, Zong-Xiang Xia and Yu Wang Nature Structure Biology, 1(10), 695-700 (1994).
84. Crystallization and Preliminary Crystallographic Study of -Momor-charin --------- 792 Jian-Ping Xiong, Zong-Xiang Xia, Lei Zhang, Guo-Jie
Ye, Shan-Wei Jin and Yu Wang J. Mol. Biol. 238, 284-285 (1994).
85. Identification of a Stable Complex of Trichosanthin with -------- 794 nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Jian-Ping Xiong, Zong-
Xiang Xia and Yu Wang J. Protein. Chem., 14, 139-143 (1995).
86. Study of Crystal structures, Active-center Geometry and Depurinating Mechanism of Two Ribosome-inactivating Proteins ------- 800 Qi-Chen
Huang, Shen-Ping Liu, You-Qi Tang, Sh.-W. Jin and Yu Wang Biochem. J., 309, 285-298 (1995). V. Studies on Polynucleotides (88-108) 827
88. 核酸化学研究 (Studies on Nucleic Acid Chemistry) I.----------- 827结晶的 5’-O-三苯甲基和5’-单对甲氧三苯甲基核糖核苷-3’- 磷酸盐
(Crystalline 5’-O-Trityl and 5’-O-Mono-p-methyoxytrityl-ribonucleotides)中国科学院上海有机化学研究所核酸组(Nucleic Acid Group,Shanghai
Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academic Sinica)化学学报 ( Acta Chimica Sinica), 37, 299-304 (1979).
89. 核酸化学研究 (Studies on Nucleic Acid Chemistry) II. -------- 833羧酰咪唑在酰化核糖核苷酸上的应用(The Application of N-Acylimidazoles in
the Acylations of Ribo-nucleotides)中国科学院上海有机化学研究所核酸组(Nucleic Acid Group, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academic
Sinica)化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 37, 305-314 (1979).
90. 核酸化学研究 (Studies on Nucleic Acid Chemistry) III. -------- 840酵母丙氨酸转移核糖核酸Ty C 臂 ApUpUpC, CpGpGpA 和 ApUpUpCp 的合成
(Synthesis of ApUpUpC,CpGpGpA, and ApUpUpCp of Ty C Arm of Yeast Alanine tRNA).中国科学院上海有机化学研究所核酸组(Nucleic Acid Group,Shanghai
Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academic Sinica)化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 38, 1-17 (1980).
91. 核酸化学研究 (Studies on Nucleic Acid Chemistry) IV. --------- 857常见核糖核苷及其3-核糖核苷酸的柱层析(the Column Chromatography of Common
Ribonucleotides and Ribonucleotides)中国科学院上海有机化学研究所核酸组(Nucleic Acid Group, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academic
Sinica)化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 39, 553-562 (1981)。
92. 核酸化学研究 (Studies on Nucleic Acid Chemistry) V. --------- 866修饰的核苷酸和寡核苷酸的合成.( Synthesis of Modified Ribonucleotides and
Oligoribonucleotides)杨再完(Z.-W. Yang), 陈德化(D.-H. Chen), 杨炳辉(B.-H. Yang), 黄建华 (J.-H. Huang), 劳霞飞(X.-F. Lao), 徐静范(J.-F. Xu), 周
瑾(J. Zhou), 陆仁荣(R.-R. Lu), 沈南珍(N.-Zh. Shen),朱定辉(D.-H. Zhu), 屠传忠(Ch.-Zh. Tu), 汪 猷(Yu Wang),化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 44,
1106-1112 (1986)。
93. 核酸化学研究 (Studies on Nucleic Acid Chemistry) VI. ------- 873胸腺嘧啶核糖核苷-3挘 - 磷酸的合成(The Synthesis of Ribo-thymidine -3’-
phosphate)徐静范(J.-F. Xu), 郭荣汉 (R.-H. Guo), 曾福金(F.-J. Zeng), 陆仁荣 (R.-R. Lu), 黄敬坚(J.-J. Huang), 汪 猷(Yu Wang),化学学报 (Acta
Chimica Sinica), 39, 681-685 (1981).
94. Studies on Nucleic Acid Chemistry VII. ---- 878Synthesis of Four Oligoribo-nucleotides of Dihydrouridine(D) Loop of  Yeast Alanine
Transfer RNA Bing-Hui Yang, Jian-Hua Huang, Feng-Yi Zhou, Jian-Shao Bao, Xia-Fei Lao, Lian-Fen Wu, Nan-Zhen Shen, Shu-Ju Wang, Zai-Wan Yang,
Ren-Rong Lu, Chuan-Zhong Tu and Yu Wang,Acta Chimica Sinica, (English Edition) 358-369 (1986);化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 44, 1111-1121
95. Studies on the Synthesis of Polynucleotides. ---- 890The Synthesis of a Dodecaribonucleoside Undecaphosphate and a Hexadecarribonucleoside
Pentadecaphosphate Collaboration Group of Nucleic Acid Synthesis Scientia Sinica, 21, 687-697 (1978);中国科学 (Scientia Sinica), 21, 679-686
96. Studies on the Synthesis of Polynucleotides V. ---------- 902Synthesis of a Nonadecaribonucleotide Fragment (58-76) of the Yeast Alanine
tRNA Collaboration Group of Nucleic Acid Synthesis in 揘ucleic Acids and Proteins”, The 1979 Shanghai Proceedings of PRC-FRG Join Symposium
on Nucleic Acids and Proteins, Ed. by Z.-W Shen, pp. 272-281,Science Press, Beijing (van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York / Toronto /
London), 1980.
97. Synthesis of 3’-Half Molecule(Nucleotides 36-76) of the Yeast Alanine tRNA ----- 912Collaboration Group of Nucleic Acid Synthesis Kexue
Tongbao, 525-527 (1980).
98. Some Aspects of Chemical Synthesis of Oligoribonucleotides ------- 915 Yu Wang  Nucleic Acids Research, Symposium Series No. 7, 103-113
99. Total Synthesis of Yeast Alanine Transfer Ribonucleic Acid --------- 926 De-Bao Wang, Ke-Qin Zheng, Mu-Sui Qiu, Zhen-He Liang, Ren-Long
Wu, Chang-Qing Chen, En-Bi Wang, Ying-Shu Zhu, Qing-Xiang Shen, Guang-Hua Yu, Yu Wang, Hai-Bao Chen, Zai-Wan Yang,Yun-Hua Lu, Shen Chen,
Guang-Hai Wang, Mei-Hao Hu and Shanghai Reagent Factory No. 2Scientia Sinica (Series B), 26, 464-481 (1983).中国科学(B 辑), 26, 385-398
100. Synthetic Studies on Biologically Interesting Polymers ------ 944Yu Wang in 揅hemistry of Natural Products”, The Proceedings of Sino-
American Symposium on Chemistry of Natural Products, Ed. by Wang, Y., pp.55-61,Science Press, Beijing / Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers,
New York, 1982.
101. A Total Synthesis of Yeast Alanine Transfer RNA ----------- 951Yu Wang Accounts of Chemical Research, 17, 393-397 (1984).
102. The Role of Metaphosphate in the Activation of the Nucleotide by TPS and DDC in the Oligonucleotide Synthesis -------- 956 Yu Wang, Zai-
Wan Yang, Qi-Wen Wang, Yao-Zhong Xu, Xiang-Yuan Liu, Jing-Fan Xu and Chao-Huan Chen Nucleic Acids Research, 14, 2699-2706 (1986).
103. The Reaction Mechanism of N-Benzoxylimidazole with Ribonucleo-tides --------- 964 Yu Wang, Xiang-Yuan Liu, Zai-Wan Yang, Qi-Wen Wang,
Yao- Zhong Xu, Qi-Zhong Wang and Jing-Fan Xu Nucleic Acids Research, 15, 4291-4305 (1987).
104. Selective Acylation of Ribonucleotides and Ribonucleosides with N-Acylimidazole -------- 979 Yu Wang, Yao-Zhong Xu, Zai-Wan Yang, Xiang-
Yuan Liu and Qi-Wen Wang Acat Chimica Sinica (English Edition), 244-250 (1988);化学学报 (Acat Chimica Sinica), 1195-1200 (1988).
105. Reactions of N-Acylimidazole with Nucleosides and Nucleotides ---------- 986Yu Wang and Yao-Chuan Chen Heterocycles, 28, 593-601 (1989).
106. Large Scale Synthesis of Oligoribonucleotides on PEG by the Phosphite Triester Approach ---- 995Zu-Sheng Xu, Zai-Wan Yang and Yu Wang
Chinese J. Chem., 13, 246-250 (1995).
107. 碱催化酰基咪唑酰化核糖核苷酸反应的研究 ------- 1000 (Study of the Base Catalyzed Acylation of Ribonucleotides by Acylimidazole)陈耀全(Y.
-Q. Chen), 丁天忠 (T.-Zh. Ding), 徐耀忠 (Y.-Zh. Xu)  汪 猷 (Yu Wang)自 然 科 学 进 展 ¾     国 家 重 点 实 验 室 通 讯 (Progress of Natural
Science ¾ Communications of State Key Laboratory), 5,507-510 (1995).
108. 固相酰化试剂 N- 乙酰-( 乙烯咪唑- 苯乙烯) 共聚物用于核苷的酰化 --- 1004(N-Acetyl-(Vinylimidazole-Styrene) Copolymer as A Solid-state
Acetylating Reagent for Nucleosides)陈耀全(Y.-Q.Chen), 阿孜古丽• 义明(E.M.Arziguli• ), 汪猷(Yu Wang) 有机化学 (Chinese J. Organic Chemistry),
8,368-371(1988).VI. Studies on enzymatic synthesis (109-113) 1008
109. Studies on Enzymic peptides Synthesis I.------ 1008 Synthesis of tryptophane Analogue of Leu-enkephalin Yu Wang, Dong-Mei Feng and Jie-
Cheng Xu Acta Chimica Sinica, (English Edition) 236-244 (1985);化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 43, 745-750 (1985).
110. 酶促肽合成的研究( Studies on Enzymic Synthesis of Oligopeptides) II. --- 1017含有侧链羧基的肽的嗜热菌酶的酶促合成( Thermolysin- Catalyzed
Synthesis of Peptides Containing a Free Side Chain Carboxyl Group)汪猷 (Yu Wang), 冯冬梅 (D.-M. Feng), 徐杰诚(J.-Ch. Xu), 陈玲玲(L.-L. Chen),
化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 47, 266-269 (1989).
111. Study on Mechanism of Ribonucleic Acid Hydrolysis by Ribonuclease A ---------- 1021Using 31P NMR Method Yu Wang, Yao-Zhong Xu, Wei-Jun
Zhang, Sheng-Gen Yao and Yong-Ren Huang Acta Chimica Sinica (English Edition), 185-187 (1987);化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 46, 204-206
112. Studies on Nucleic Acid-Synthesizing Polypeptides I.--------1024C-Terminal Destetrapeptido-and Deshexapeptido-Ribonuclease A and their
hydrolytic and Synthetic Activities
Yu Wang, Wei-Jun Zhang, Zai-Wan Yang, Nan-Zhen Sheng, Yao-Zhong Xu,Xiu-Fang Zang and Yao-Chuan Chen,Acta Chimica Sinica (English Edition),
268-271 (1988);化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica), 46, 405-408 (1988).
113. RNase A-catalyzed Synthesis of Dinucleotides Containing2’-deoxy-2’-fluoro- pyrimidinenucleotides at 3’-termini ------- 1028Yao-Quan
Chen, Tian-Zhong Ding and Yu Wang,Chinese Science Bulletin, 40, 307-309 (1995);科学通报 (Chinese Science Bulletin), 40, 34-35 (1995).VII. Miscellaneous Studies (119-127) 1031
114. Effect of Spermatozoon Injections on the fertility of Female Albino rats --------1031 Yu Wang Chinese J. Physiol., 10, 53-60 (1936).
115. 关 于 我 国 抗 生 素 研 究 工 作 的 方 向 和 任 务 的 意 见---------1039 (Suggestion on the Direction and Missions of Antibiotic Research
in China)汪 猷 (Yu Wang),中 国 科 学 院1955年 抗 生 素 学 术 会 议 会 刊(Proceedings of Academic Sinica Conference on Antibiotic Research of
1955 Beijing), 中国科学院编,会务部分第 26-27 页 (pp.26-27 in Part of Organization), 科学出版社(Science Press, Beijing), 1958.
116. 有机化学合成与有机化学反应 ------ 1041(Organic Synthesis and Organic Reaction)汪 猷(Y. Wang), 蒋明谦 (M.-Q. Jiang), 黄耀曾 (Y.-Z. Huang)
《十年来的中国化学》(“Chinese Sciences in Last Deca” ): 化学卷(Chemistry) 1949-1959, pp. 352-400, 科学出版社( Science Press, Beijing),1959.
(因篇幅太长, 论文集只收集引言).
117. 近年来天然有机化学的进展 -------- 1045(Recent Progress in Natural Organic Chemistry)汪 猷(Yu Wang)科学通报 (KexueTongbao), 222-231
118. 近二十年来的中国有机化学 --------- 1055( Progress in Organic Chemistry in China within last twenty years)汪 猷(Yu Wang)化学通报( Huaue
Tonbao, Chinese Chemistry), 385-395 (1979).
119. 比根施托克立体化学讨论会 ------- 1067(EUCHEM Burgenstock Conference on Stereochemistry)汪 猷(Yu Wang) 有机化学 (Youji Huaxue, Chinese J.
Organic Chemistry) 4, 489-490 (1984).
120. 五十年来的中国有机化学 -------- 1069(Chinese Organic Chemistry in Half Century)汪 猷(Y. Wang) 主 编《中国化学五十年》 (揅hinese Chemistry
in Half Century”), pp. 46-95,科学出版社 (Science Press), Beijing, 1985. (因篇幅太长,论文集只收集前言).
121. 中药秦皮的有效成分 -----------1071(Acitive Principles of the Chinese Drug “ Chin Pie”)
梅斌夫(P.-F. Mei), 徐 杰诚(J.-Ch. Hsu), 汪 猷(Yu Wang)化学学报 (Acat Chimica Sinica), 28, 25-30 (1962).
122. 蜈蚣粗毒的生物活性 (The Biological Activity of the Crude Poison ------ 1077from Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans Koch)汪 猷(Yu Wang), 陈
耀全(Y.-Q. Chen), 韩友娣(Y.-D. Han), 张云岩(Y.-Y. Zhang), 徐寿龙(Sh.-L. Xu), 谢慧琴 (H.-Q. Xie)科学通报 (Kexue Tongbao), 30, 218-220 (1985).
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