Personal Introduction

Juan Feng, Ph.D. Associate Research Fellow


2011-2015 Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2008-2011 College of Pharmacy, Chongqing Medical University

2004-2008 Shaanxi Normal University


2015. 5–2023.6 Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School  

Advisor:  Dr. Timothy A. Springer


2023.8-2024.12  Associate Researcher, focused on investigation of native NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor  assemblies and their pharmacology within the mammalian brain. I am actively engaged in structure-based drug design  targeting the native NMDA receptors.  

2015.5-2023.6  Postdoctoral researcher, focused on studying the pre-and-post structure of gamete fusogen HAP2  and understanding the stepwise formation of the postfusion trimeric state.  Structure-based design and  characterization of HAP2 transmission-blocking vaccine in Plasmodium.


2023    2023 Shanghai Biophysical Society Outstanding Presentation Award  

2010    Outstanding Student Award-Chongqing Medical University  

2007    University Second-class Scholarship-Shaanxi Normal University  

2006    University Second-class Scholarship-Shaanxi Normal University


  1. Juan Feng, Xianchi Dong, Yang Su, Chanfen Lu and  Timothy A Springer. Monomeric pre-fusion structure of an  extremophile gamete fusogen and steps in formation of the postfusion trimeric state. Nature Communications 13,1,  4064 (2022).  
  2. Juan Feng, Xianchi Dong, Adam DeCosta, Yang Su, Fiona Angrisano, Katarzyna Sala, Andrew M. Blagborough,  Chafen Lu and Timothy A Springer. Structural basis of malaria transmission blockade by a monoclonal antibody to  gamete fusogen HAP2. eLife 10 (2021).  
  3.  Chafen Lu, Gaojie Song, Kristin Beale, Jiabin Yan, Emma Garst, Juan Feng, Emily Lund, Flaminia Catteruccia,  Timothy A. Springer.Design and assessment of TRAP-CSP fusion antigens as effective malaria vaccines. PloS  one 15 (2020).  
  4. Juan Feng*, Xianchi Dong*, JenniferF. Pinello*, Jun Zhang*, Chafen Lu, RoxanaE. Iacob, JohnR. Engen, Wiliam  J. Snell, Timothy A. Springer. Fusion surface structure, function, and dynamics of gamete fusogen HAP2, eLife 7.  (2018).  
  5. Juan Feng, Jing Li, Timothy A Springer. Relating conformation to function in integrin α4β7, In preparation.